10 Best Consumer Awareness Project [Free PDF]

Consumer Awareness Project Class 10

Last updated on June 12th, 2023

This blog brings you the 10 best Consumer Awareness Project or Consumer Rights Project for class 10 students.

Many of the Consumer Rights projects on google and other platforms are charging fee from the students. Also, some of them are even using cheap tricks for subscribing their youtube channels in return of PDFs.

This is injustice for kids in India. Educational resources should be free forever. Hence, our blog is providing Full PDF and PPT formats free of cost for Instant download.

Project 1

Unique Content

  • Consumer Exploitation
  • Consumer Protection Act 1986
  • Importance of Consumer Awareness
Consumer Protection
6 COnsumer Rights
Consumer Expliotation
Consumer Protection
6 COnsumer Rights
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Project 2

Unique Content

  • Problems faced by Consumer
  • Reasons for Consumer Movement
  • Consumer International
Consumer Awareness Project SSt
Consumer Rights
Consumer Awareness Project SSt
Consumer Rights
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Project 3

Unique Content

  • Need for Consumer Movement
  • Common ways of Consumer exploitation
  • Role of government in consumer protection
Economics Project
COnsumer Rights
COnsumer expliotation
Economics Project
COnsumer Rights
COnsumer expliotation
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Project 4

Unique Content

  • Meaning of Consumer
  • Objectives of Consumer Awareness
  • 3R’s – 1.Reduce 2.Reuse 3.Recycle
COnsumer Awareness Introduction
consumer rights
Screenshot_20220222-COnsumer Awareness Introduction111144
consumer rights
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Project 5

Unique Content

  • Duties of Consumer
  • Consumer Movement in India
  • Important Dates in Consumer Awareness
COnsumer Awarness
COnsumer Rights
Who is COnsumer
COnsumer Awarness Project Work
COnsumer Rights
Who is COnsumer
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Project 6

Unique Content

  • Malpractices (Misleading advertisements, defective goods, etc.,)
  • Need for Consumer Protection
  • Ways and means of Consumer Protection
Project Work on Consumer Awareness
Consumer Rights
Black Market
Project Work on Consumer Awareness
Consumer Rights
Black Market
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Project 7

Unique Content

  • Need of making consumer aware
  • Jago Grahak Jago Programm
  • Consumer Affairs Dept. Website and Social Media
Consumer Awareness Project
Consumer Exploit
Consumer Awareness Project
Consumer Expliotation
Consumer Exploit
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Project 8

Unique Content

  • Consumer Awareness Introduction
  • Consumer Redress Methods
  • Consumer Rights Day
SST Project Work
Consumer Awareness
Fake Ads
SST Project Work
Consumer Awareness
Fake Ads
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Project 9

Unique Content

  • Forms of Consumer Exploitation
  • Need of Consumer Awareness
  • Steps taken by the government
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Project 10

This project includes amazing art, which can’t be converted to PDF. And, it is more interesting to watch. So, Watch it : Do it;

Project 11

Consumer Awareness PPT
Meaning PPT
Consumer Movements PPT
Consumer Awareness PPT
Meaning PPT
Consumer Movements PPT
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Introduction -Consumer Awareness

Everyone has a necessity in life, and everyone has to buy some goods or services in daily life. Hence everyone is consumer is one or other way.

In the era of capitalism, main motive of producers and sellers is maximum profit. Therefore, in the fulfillment of their goals, there interest of the consumer are exploited by unfair trade practices.

Thus in order to save consumer being cheated, it is very much necessary for a consumer to be aware of his rights. To sum up, consumer awareness must be a necessary practice of every consumer.

What is Consumer Awareness?

Consumer awareness is the knowledge required by the end-user before buying goods and services. It is to make sure that consumer is aware of his rights and duties. Thus, to avoid consumer exploitation.

Objectives of Consumer Awareness

  1. To publish specific booklets, pamphlets and documents for promoting consumer awareness.
  2. To enlighten the sellers, producers community about the ethical and legal obligations in maintaining the quality of goods and services,
  3. To analyze, study and suggest new measures for the effective and better consumer protection.
  4. To bring together consumer, seller and producer on a single platform to exchange information of mutual interest for better co-ordination.
  5. To conduct motivational campaigns for potential consumers in rural, urban and remote areas.

Need/Importance of Consumer Awareness

1. Protection against exploitation

Sellers exploit consumers by underweight, overpricing, malpractice, selling duplicate products etc.,

Manufacturers exploit consumers by misleading advertisements. Hence consumer awareness shields the consumer from manufactures and sellers.

2. Maximum Satisfaction

Everyone has right to get quality goods and services. Thus attaining maximum satisfaction of consumer. Because of unfair trade practices by the sellers and manufactures, consumers are often exploited. Hence Consumer awareness is necessary to overcome from exploitation.

3. Motivation for savings

Consumer awareness makes every consumer to avoid unnecessary expenses. Because of which consumers are not attracted by misleading calls, ads, etc and thus saving money.

4. To eradicate Consumer Illiteracy

In India, consumers are cheated due to illiteracy, innocence and lack of information. Therefore making every consumer aware of their right is necessary. Thus eradicating the consumer illiteracy.

5. Social Awareness

If every consumer in the society is aware of their rights and duties. It leads to healthy and literate society. Thus making it impossible for anyone to cheat.

Who is Consumer?

Consumer is person or group of persons, who is end-user of the goods and services. In other words, any individual or group of persons, who buys product for their personal use and not for resale.

Hence, consumer is decision maker whether or not to buy an item at the store. He/She is often influenced by advertisements and marketing.

Example: Ram buying Mobile phones from online shopping site.

Consumer Exploitation

Consumer exploitation is the critical situation in which a consumer is cheated/given false information. More often, by the sellers, middle men or the producers. They manipulate the market in many ways. Since they have huge wealth and power.

Ways of Consumer exploitation

1. Lack of Safety devices

Manufactures have profit motive. Hence the devices are cheap and lack the safety.

2. High Prices

Sellers quite often charge price higher than the price prevailing in the market. Because of the urgency and ignorance of the consumers.

3. Sub Standard Quality

Consumers are willing to buy at affordable prices. Thus, producers reduce the quality of goods and services by unfair practices. Hence, many of the duplicate products are available in market.

Example: Adulteration of food items like ghee, milk etc.,

4. Artificial Scarcity

Through hoarding and black marketing, sellers indulge themselves in artificial scarcity of goods. Hoarding is temporary method of storing very large quantities of goods during low prices and selling them once the prices are high.

5. False/ Incomplete Information

Producers/Sellers provide false and incomplete information on the products, which leads to consumer exploitation.

United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection

10 Major guidelines which are widely followed by most member nations of UN are

  1. National policies for consumer protection
  2. Physical safety
  3. Promotion and protection of the economic interests of consumers
  4. Standards for the safety and quality of consumer goods and services
  5. Distribution facilities for essential consumer goods and services
  6. Dispute resolution and redress
  7. Education and information programs
  8. Promotion of sustainable consumption
  9. Protection for consumers using electronic commerce
  10. Protection of consumer privacy

Consumer Movement in India

Historically consumer welfare dates back to the vedic age.

Four types of offenses in vedic age are

  1. Adulteration in food items
  2. Overcharging
  3. Underweight
  4. Sale of restrictive goods

In Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Manusmriti, Consumer Protection occupies a prominent Place.

Consumer movement in India started in early 1960s. In 1970s consumer organization were formed to look into malpractices in “Fair Price Shops”.

Reasons/Need for Consumer Movement

  1. Dissatisfaction of the consumers due to unfair trade practices by the sellers

Example: Adulteration of food items like ghee, edible oils, milk etc.,

2. No legal systems available to consumers to protect themselves from exploitation.

3. It is the responsibility of the consumer to be aware while buying.

Reasons/Need for Consumer Protection

  • Social responsibility
  • Increasing Awareness
  • Consumer Satisfaction
  • Principle of Social Justice
  • Principle of Trusteeship

Important Laws that Protect Consumers

  • Drugs Control Act 1950
  • Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954
  • Drug and magic remedies act 1954
  • Essential commodities act 1955
  • Export quality control and inspection act 1963
  • Monopolies and restrictive trade practices act 1969
  • Standard of weighs and measurement act 1976
  • Prevention of black marketing and maintenance of supplies of essential commodities act 1980
  • Consumer Protection Act 1986
  • Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986
  • Legal Metrology Act 2009

Role of Government in Consumer Protection

  1. COPRA
  2. Consumer Courts
  3. National Consumer Helpline
  4. Jago Grahak Jago Programm
  5. Certification Marks

Consumer Protection Act 1986 (COPRA)

COPRA is an act of the parliament of India enacted in 1986 to protect the interests of consumers in India. It was amended in 2019.

This act is like a weapon in the hands of consumers to fight against exploitation by manufacturers and sellers.

In addition, it sets various rules and regulations for consumers, sellers and producers in India. Also, it provides provisions to establish various institutions like Consumer Courts, Central Consumer Protection Authority.

Significance of COPRA

This act is regarded as Magna Carta in the field of consumer protection. Also, it checks unfair trade practices, defective goods and deficiency in services in India. It has empowered consumers to a great extent.

Consumer Rights

1. Right to Safety

This right ensures the consumers from hazardous goods and services which may cause harm.

2. Right to be informed

Consumer must be informed about the quality, quantity, purity, standard and price of goods and services.

3. Right to choose

Consumers have the right to choose from various goods and services at competitive prices.

4. Right to be heard

This right ensures that consumer interest’s are concerned at appropriate fora if consumer has grievance.

5. Right to redress

Consumers have the right to redress against unfair trade practices like adulteration, black marketing etc.,

6. Right to Consumer education

It is the right of consumer to know and informed about various standards, marks, institutions, and polices established by the government. Thus, making the consumer more confident while buying.

Click Here to read in detail.

Consumer Courts in India

1. District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum

If the value of the claim is upto Rs.50 Lakh.

2. State Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum

If the value of the claim is between Rs.50 Lakh and Rs.2 Crore. And appeal against the orders of the district forums can be filed in state forum.

3. National Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum

If the value of the claim is above Rs.2 Crore. And appeal against the orders of the state forums can be filed in national forum.

Relief available to Consumers from Consumer Courts

  • Removal of defects
  • Replacements of goods
  • Refund of amount
  • Award compensation for the loss or injury suffered
  • To cease manufacture of hazardous goods

Important Days

National Consumer Day

24th December every year is observed as National Consumer Day as the COPRA 1986 was enacted on this day.

World Consumer Rights Day

On 15th March 1962, US President John F Kennedy raised the issue of consumer rights. Hence 15th March every year is observed as World Consumer Rights Day.

Click Here to read more.

Jago grahak Jago

It is a consumer awareness program launched by Government of India in 2005. This program create consumer awareness through print media, poster, audio and video campaigns for consumer information and education. Thus, making sure that every consumer is aware of their rights and responsibilities.

National Consumer Helpline

Consumers can easily complain about their grievances on NCH by four ways

  1. Call TollFree Number 1800 11 4000
  2. Send SMS at 81300 09809
  3. Register complaint on Official Website consumerhelpline.gov.in
  4. Whatsapp your complaint at 8800001915

Consumer Duties / Consumer Responsibilities

1. Be Critically Aware

It is the responsibility of Consumer to be aware of prices, quantity and quality of goods and services.

2. Be Involved

To ensure that consumer gets a fair deal, he/she must be assertive.

3. Be organized

Also, it is the responsibility of consumer to join hands and raise voice in their interest.

4. Practice Sustainable Consumption

It is the responsibility of consumer to be aware of the impact of purchased items

5. Be responsible to Environment

Consumer must be responsible about the consequences on environment. He /She should recognize our social responsibility to conserve natural resources.

Certification Marks in India

NameAbbreviationStandards OrganizationProduct Category
ISI MarkIndian Standards InstitutionBureau of Indian StandardsIndustrial Products
AGMARKAgriculture MarkDirectorate of Marketing and InspectionAgriculture Products
BIS HALLMARKBureau of Indian StandardsBureau of Indian StandardsGold and Silver Ornaments
FPO MarkFruit Products OrderMinistry of Food processing industriesProcessed food products
Non Polluting vehicle MarkNon Polluting vehicle MarkCentral Pollution Control BoardAutomobiles
FSSAIFood Safety and Standards Authority of IndiaMinistry of Health and family welfareFood Products
ISO MarkInternational Organization for StandradisationMost Products
Veg and Non Veg MarksVegetarian and Non Vegetarian MarksMinistry of Health and family welfareFood Products
Silk MarkSilk Board of IndiaSilk products
Wool MarkMinistry of TextilesWool Products
Handloom MarkMinistry of TextilesHandloom Products
Recycling MarkMinistry of EFCCRecyclable materials
BEE LabelBureau of Energy EfficiencyMinistry of PowerElectrical Appliances

Consumer Questionnaire

1. Do you examine the expiry date of food items and medicines while buying?

2. Have you ever filed a case in consumer court?

3. Are you aware of consumer courts ?

4. Have you ever come across food adulteration ?

5. Do you check MRP before buying items?

6. Do you check the prices of goods you buy from other sources?

7. Have you ever cross checked the weights of the products you bought?

8. Have you compared the prices of product online?

9. Have you ever taught consumer rights to family/neighbors?

10. Have you complained to product supplier or store?

Consumer International

Consumer International is world wide federation comprising of consumer groups. This organization serves as global voice and forum for consumer concerns.

Conclusion -Consumer Awareness

To sum up, every consumer must check the price, quality and quantity of the products before purchase. If the goods and services are defective, he/she should raise the voice with this regard.

In addition, if consumer is aware of their rights and responsibilities then he/she is less likely to get exploited. Thus every consumer should know about their six consumer rights and complain in case of grievance.

Therefore, every consumer must know about certification marks, consumer groups and organizations, which avoids consumer exploitation.

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24 thoughts on “10 Best Consumer Awareness Project [Free PDF]”

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